
Flavius MagnusAge: 75 years400475

Flavius Magnus
Given names
Birth about 400

MarriageView this family

Birth of a son
Flavius Probius
about 430 (Age 30 years)

Record ID number

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Death about 475 (Age 75 years)

Shared note
Flavius Magnus (c. 390 or 405 – 475) was a powerful politician in Gaul, where he was widely respected for his integrity and practical wisdom during the late age of the Western Roman Empire. He was a Roman Senator of Narbonne (then Narbo), Consul of Rome with Flavius Apollonius in 460 and the Prefect of Gaul in 469. [edit] Family His father, born ca 380, might have been the son of Ennodius, Proconsul of Africa. He might have been Flavius Felix (380 – 430), Consul of Rome in 428, who married Padusia and was allegedly an ancestor of Felix, Consul in 511. His mother (b. 385) was a daughter of Flavius Julius Agricola, Consul of Rome in 421 and father of Emperor Avitus. He was the father of: * Magnus Felix (430 – after 469), a Patron in 469, married to Attica (b. 440), perhaps the parents of: o a son or a daughter (b. 460 or 465), who begot: + Flavius Arcadius Placidus Magnus Felix, Consul of Rome in 511 * Araneola (b. 435 or 440), married to Polemius, perhaps them the parents of: o a son or a daughter (b. 460 or 465), who begot: + Flavius Arcadius Placidus Magnus Felix, Consul of Rome in 511 * Flavius Probus, a Roman Senator * Ennodius (perhaps) (CRP 458), the father of Cynegia?